Rotherham Heritage Learning Service

We are passionate about heritage, arts and culture in Rotherham. Inspired by our collections and heritage sites, our learning team bring the past to life with an exciting programme of inspiring, hands on and interactive activities linked to the national curriculum.

A roman sodier

Child holding a piece of pottery

Activities for schools

Our school activities are linked to the National Curriculum from Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage 2 with a focus on the local history of the Rotherham area.

Our sessions are delivered within Clifton Park Museum, which is located within Clifton Park. Our full day sessions can accommodate two classes in one day. We also offer an outreach service and can deliver some of our activities in your school.

Have your say

Help improve our Learning Programme, ensuring we meet the needs of teachers and pupils in the local area.

Use our survey to provide us insight in to how you use, or want to use, trips and workshops as part of your learning provision.

There is also the opportunity to get involved with our Teacher Consultation Panel to work with us more directly.

Take part in our survey.


Clifton Park and Museum
Clifton Lane
S65 2AA